You deserve
to feel inspired
I believe, in a single well-crafted sound lies a whole universe of ideas. When you play around with an awesome preset you have the chance to tap into the zone and unleash your hidden creative potential… it’s nothing less than magic.
You hear something in that sound that is worth exploring… a world you can emerge yourself into. While you are forgetting everything around you, the creative juices start flowing and you pull out that new shiny thing: a melody, an idea for a great line, lyrics, a whole song idea
All at once you know how this production or this remix should sound… should feel like. Because suddenly it’s fun to play around with a stunning preset, you instantly hear that chord progression that runs perfectly with the sound you were just messing around with.
You don’t know exactly where it came from… you know it was always there… … as a feeling. You just need that special something that will finally set it on fire… that will trigger this emotion… this memory… that will finally help make it materialize, bring it to life… all you need is that spark!
My goal with SparkPackers is to stir your imagination… to help you revitalize the track you are working on… to revamp the remix that isn’t quite working yet… to unlock the song idea, you know, lies deep inside of you.
All you need are SoundPacks full of original and inspiring sounds!